In the lobby, participants meet and can start networking. The lobby also has a welcome video, access to the program halls and an exhibition.
More than 1000 organized virtual events
Sets a new standard for virtual event platforms.
ProspectumLIVE has already served as a platform for more than 1000 virtual or hybrid events of various sizes, offering equal participation opportunities to all participants.
Virtual event organized
Exhibitors at events
Key features
Includes all the necessary elements to organize a virtual event
The program room has a video (live / recorded) or ZOOM meeting, as well as a chat and voting service for interaction.
Attendees will be offered an agile login to the event or a personalized link that can be delivered via email or text message. Confirmed authentication is also available (2FA).
Participants can chat on public chat channels, as well as have private conversations with other participants or exhibitors.
Participants have the opportunity to start a video call with another participant or exhibitor.
The voting service is used to participate and collect information. Due to the two-way identification of participants and the use of weights, the service also supports the conduct of formal meetings.
It is possible to sell exhibition venues of different levels for the event. A chat service can also be activated for the booths, in which case active interaction supports exhibition activities.
Event presentations, posters and abstracts can be distributed to the public electronically. A separate ePosterwall room can be created for poster materials.
Measure the success of your event goals with comprehensive analytics. Analytics can also be used to send certificates of participation.
For all events
Suitable for organizing hybrid and virtual events of all sizes
ProspectumLIVE scales and offers a solution from a small webinar to multi-day and international events. ProspectumLIVE also supports the implementation of hybrid events, providing equal participation opportunities for all, regardless of the method of participation.
- Webinars
- Training events
- Seminars
- Fairs
- Hybrid events
Customize appearance
Brand a virtual event for your own look
The virtual event platform is always customizable to match the visual look of the event. In the event lobby and program halls, you can customize the top and bottom banners, add a wallpaper and configure the coloring to suit the customer's instructions. Exhibition stands are visualized according to the exhibitor's requirements. The event organizer can customize the look of the event themselves with an easy-to-use control panel.
Genuine interaction
Provides a variety of ways to interact between participants
Participants can chat with each other or with exhibitors via private chat, participate in a general discussion of the event, and arrange meetings via video call. As an additional service to the event, a lobby space can be created where participants can spend time before the start of the broadcast.
ProspectumLIVE enables diverse interaction and networking for participants and the exhibition. The lobby and program rooms have their own room-specific chat services for everyone. In addition, real-time voting is possible on an event-by-event or room-by-room basis. In the exhibition booths, participants have the opportunity to start a discussion or video call with representatives of the exhibitors.
ProspectumLIVE meets WCAG AA level accessibility requirements.
Manage the event
Clear and easy-to-use control panel for managing a virtual event
The control panel allows the event organizer to easily edit and maintain the content of the virtual event.
- Content management & update
- Real-time notifications
- Participant communication (email, SMS)
- Participant login information and profile definition
- Import / export, analytics and grouping of participant data
- Manage event program and other content & amp; update
- Program room streaming settings
- Set up and manage video conferencing (including ZOOM connection)
- Exhibitor information, staff, etc. and reporting
- Chat message management, moderation and reporting
- Vote management, scheduling and reporting
- Download and distribution of materials
- Event analytics, attendance information, and room / department-specific visitor information
Hallittua kokoustamista
Turvallinen äänestyspalvelu virallisiin vuosikokouksiin
ProspectumLIVE tarjoaa turvallisen ratkaisun toteuttaa liiton, yrityksen tai yhdistyksen virallinen vuosikokous, liittokokous tai yhtiökokous (AGM). ProspectumLIVE:ssä on mahdollista tunnistaa osallistujat kaksivaiheisesti (2FA) ja analytiikkapalvelu kertoo ajantasaisen osallistujamäärän. ProspectumLIVE:ssä voidaan jakaa kokouksen aikataulun lisäksi myös esityslista ja muut kokousmateriaalit.
Videoyhteys voi perustua videostriimiin tai videokouspalveluun, esim. ZOOM, Teams tai ProspectumLIVE:n oma videokokouspalvelu.
Uuden äänestyksen luominen on yksinkertaista ja äänestäminen tapahtuu anonyymisti. Mikäli kokouksessa on paikalla valtakirjojen avulla korkeamman äänimäärän omaavia kokousedustajia, voidaan heille myöntää suurempi äänimäärä, joka huomioidaan tuloslaskennassa automaattisesti. Myös äänipotin jakaminen useammalle äänestyksessä esitettävälle vaihtoehdolle on mahdollista.
Hybridikokouksissa myös tapahtumassa paikalla olevat voivat äänestää ProspectumLIVE-palvelussa, jolloin äänten laskenta tapahtuu reaaliaikaisesti myös heidän osaltaan. Hybridikokouksiin tarjoamme myös rekisteröintipalvelut (checkin), nimikorttitulostukset ja muut tukipalvelut kokouspaikalla.
Palvelumme voi hankkia tapahtumakon